By far our most popular treatment for both Men & Women, facial sculpturing is a non-surgical treatment designed to lift the face and create definition through the use of an injectable filler.
A loss of volume in facial fat can cause a young, full face to appear older and thin.
The process of losing facial volume is gradual. Facial skin can sag and lose laxity as the reduction of face fat occurs. Wrinkles form and the skin beneath the eyes may appear to hollow as the soft tissue withers.
There are many reasons that a full and round face shape can begin to lose volume, appearing sunken and more skeletal.
The five major structural components of our face are skin, fat, muscle, bone and hormones. As we age, volume loss in these structures contributes to many of the visible signs of ageing.
Dermal filler reatment is simply injected into the mid-face for both Men & Women resulting in a fresher sculptured facial structure.
Our all time favourite of facial enhancement is cheek bone enhancement. Aesthetic medicine (fillers) allows for better definition of the facial contour. The injection of hyaluronic acid into the cheekbones restores the volume of the face in a natural way giving our patients a more pronounced ‘V’ shape contour back into their facial structure. Hyaluronic acid injections are a simple and reliable treatment. Recommended to be repeated every 6 -12 month.
A non-surgical chin augmentation involves the use of dermal filler to reshape and contour the chin. Dermal filler is injected into the chin area with the aim of lengthening a week chin or defining a recessive jaw to achieve a natural and aesthetic appearance without the need for excessive downtime.
Teosyal Redensity II is the first dermal filler of its kind that has been developed specifically for the tear trough area to address fine lines, dark circles, and deep hollows under the eyes. It is infused with amino acids, antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, so after the treatment it continues to rejuvenate the skin over time for maximum long-term results.
Redensity II has the innate ability to dissipate the shadows that cause dark eye circles and gently fortify the fine skin below the eye. It can substantially enhance appearance and, in most cases, provide beautiful, natural results.
The application of dermal fillers is used to effectively sculpt and reshape the jaw, creating balance and symmetry to frame the face. Jawline filler results are immediately visible.
Using dermal fillers to shape, define, and enhance the lower facial contours also has the added benefit of decreasing the appearance of loose skin and the appearance of a double chin.
This treatment can also be combined with a chin sculpting procedure to maximise results.
Dermal fillers are used to enhance the lips giving fuller, more shapely and defined lips. The lips can be enhanced with various different techniques:
● Creating more lip volume
● Defining the lip line by injecting along borders of the lips and into the cupids bow to accentuate the lip line giving a more shapely and youthful appearance.
● Reversing marionette lines which sit just below the corners of the mouth and occur with loss of volume associated with ageing. They can give the appearance of pulling the mouth downwards giving a sad and unhappy facial expression. Dermal filler can be injected just below the corner of the mouth to soften these lines by adding volume to the area and giving shape to the lips.
● Reducing smoker’s lines around the mouth. Smoker’s lines are vertical lines mainly above and along the top lip and these can be effectively reduced by Dermal filler treatment
A liquid rhinoplasty, or nonsurgical rhinoplasty, is the injection of dermal fillers into the nose to alter its shape. It's a great option for patients that have isolated minor asymmetries of their nose or a dorsal hump.
It can also be a great option for those patients that have had a rhinoplasty in the past and have minor irregularities postoperatively.
Please note: These patients will require a more in depth assessment pre-treatment as the blood supply has already been altered following surgery and the risks of complications can be higher, meaning this treatment may not be suitable for all patients.
Neck and décolletage rejuvenation restores and replenishes the appearance of the skin on the neck and chest areas. As this skin is thinner and more vulnerable to ageing symptoms, neck and décolletage rejuvenation helps address hyperpigmentation, age spots, wrinkles, and fine feathery lines.
Volume in the hands deteriorates over time, making hands appear aged, as veins, tendons, and bones become more visible. Hyaluronic acid (HA) filler can be injected below the surface of the skin to provide the structure needed to correct the volume deficit, resulting in a smoother, more youthful-looking appearance, we love using Restylane Lyft to volumise hands.
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River View Clinic Ltd.
Beverley A. Ashton INP MSc BA (Hons) RGN